woman drinking coffee woman drinking coffee

woman drinking coffee

 woman & coffe
woman & coffe

I do not know about you, but for me, drinking coffee, characteristic especially in the morning or late afternoon, more than a simple habit or cultural. In fact, it has become a necessity without which I can not open their eyes and stand on my feet all day. According to the researchers, I am not alone. Nearly 80% of the U.S. population drinks coffee daily. Caffeine was measured to be contained in a cup of coffee, you and I consume daily is around 80 to 130 mg. But while the medical community has the public about the health risks associated with caffeine warned, there is very little connection between coffee and health issues, except in very rare cases.

 woman & coffe
woman & coffe

Coffee, hot and cold drinks, from the roasted seeds of the coffee plant, coffee beans will be served almost always called. But regardless of the huge market success-Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world, surpassed only by oil, coffee, and was for a variety of conditions ranging from digestive disorders, cancers, at some point else to blame. Because it is a major source of caffeine, a stimulant, coffee has a role that is almost constantly in the news related to health problems in recent years. Surprisingly, most of the warnings and urgent health report, addressed to explain problems such as airway obstruction in humans, for women.

 woman & coffe
woman & coffe

But when even the doctors were very critical about the role of coffee in women's health, the fact remains, there is little evidence that coffee consumption to each woman's risk, especially when consumed in moderate amounts. In fact, even reported that the coffee and the risk of certain diseases in women, such as cancer of the bladder. Has been investigated, unfortunately due to health problems related to their relationship with coffee consumption has achieved undeniable, the wife of the stage, something almost heavy, involving health risks of coffee and a women believe been reached.

 woman & coffe
woman & coffe

The reason why coffee has gained a bad reputation, is the fact that all drinks containing caffeine, coffee is the highest concentration, far exciding the basis of soda. In addition, because pregnant women doctor's advice, be careful and avoid caffeinated beverages during the execution of a baby, but it was probably no evidence of serious health risks, women think drinking coffee, c is almost as if they have any kind of sin and drink in the fear of unknown consequences. On the other hand, new research shows that coffee is beneficial to health. For example, the diuretic effect of coffee has proven to reduce the incidence of bladder cancer in smokers and drinking coffee regularly is also reported to reduce the incidence of Parkinson's disease.

 woman & coffe
woman & coffe

So what should we do the woman? The best advice that anyone can believe is the advice of their doctors trust. Ask your doctor if he / she is to limit coffee and follow their advice, but stay abreast of health news. Although it is impossible to know which study to believe seems, we must train ourselves to distinguish between hypotheses and facts. Is educated about our health than ever, we women feel better in the long term.

 woman & coffe
woman & coffe

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