Gas prices have been rising very rapidly, and the effect was strong enough for many families. Many went from scraping by problems of money has, or pretty good, just scraping by. It's pretty rough out there.
Therefore, to work by bicycle is gaining popularity. Bicycles are relatively cheap, and if you can live in a reasonable bike ride for your work very easy and healthy.
It may seem strange to many to think of the horses at work, but there are some things to make it reasonable.
First is your distance? This is a personal decision. For about five miles in any direction can be maximized. Others may be willing to go over 10 miles by bicycle to work.
Secondly, to find out where to work, you can keep your bike. While many employers will probably not have a bike rack available, you can get permission to store your bike somewhere where you work. All you need is a place, a little out of the way everyone is. Talk to your boss.
Third, decide how you want to carry your work clothes. Most people do not cycle in the clothes they wear to work, it's too easy to sweat it. But you can fold your clothes neatly in a backpack and change at work. If you carefully remove the wrinkles are not severe. Remember to resist wear, wrinkling, but still look professional.
Fourth, on what weather you're ready to roll in. The weather will not be perfect all year round to thinking almost everywhere. How will you deal with heavy rain? 100 + degree F weather? Is there snow in your area? Obviously some days will be much harder than others for cycling.
You need more than a bicycle?
You want a basic design that you may or may not have done it. A helmet is essential. Not all motorists to watch carefully for cyclists, and I know people whose lives have been saved well by their bicycle helmets. The most recent case was used to show my niece what might happen if she was not wearing his helmet. A helmet, but they all split and one slightly injured driver a big lesson.
Other facilities may or may not be necessary. If you ride at dusk or at night, a light in the front and rear, a very good idea. You do not want to be invisible. You also need regular maintenance to keep your bike in good condition.
And if you need to move the device to work, you need something to wear. This may be the backpack you carry your change of clothes or a bag for your bike.
Do not forget a backup plan.
So expect you to climb to work each day, sometimes a change in the weather, it may be impossible to come home on a bicycle. Some of it is rather sudden changes of weather that you do not want to face.
Depending on the situation, you may be able to be a colleague who is willing, you will need to take home. Or public transport can be a practical option. They may even be able to pick your partner, if the weather is too bad. Whatever your solution always plan it before so that you understand not difficult if the need is urgent.
Ride a bike to work can lead to significant savings each month and help you stay fit. As gas prices make it painful to fill up, this option can simplify your life much.
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